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Graphic Design Office


With more than 20 years of experience in organizational development in socially complex and politically volatile environments, we put our knowledge and know-how to help organizations and people reach greater social impact and make positive change in the world.

We believe that to be the change we want to see in today’s world, we need to know what we are aiming for. We have to nurture organizational cultures that will leave room for constant improvement, through an open mind and using adapted tools for facing the challenges of a specific operating environment. Positive and regenerative development requires changing mind sets and having the courage to try new approaches.

Every experience is valuable to share but knowing how to communicate ideas to individuals or groups of people is crucial in order to convince others and advocate for change.  Knowing how to articulate your desired social impact is therefore a crucial competence that will also allow you to measure your success. 

We value team work and participatory approaches. We encourage peer exchange learning methodology, supported by a professional team of people who bring knowledge and field experience, working directly with community leaders and a wide range of partners and stakeholders. ​

We work worldwide, with a multi- disciplinary team. Whether you are a business, a collective project, a consortium of organizations, a humanitarian agency or an NGO and you want to increase your social impact through innovative organizational strategies, we can coach you through a number of tools and methodologies that are cutting edge and adapted to your sector and objectives. 

About us: À propos
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