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Image de Daria Nepriakhina


Over the last 10 years, finding new ways of tackling complex issues has developed into a new field of practice in the social and not for profit sectors, as well as the corporate sector: Social Innovation.

Innovation practices are now based on methodologies and processes that are built upon existing knowledge in the fields of industrial and user experience design (UX), data science & research, anthropology, ethnography, manufacturing, business, behavioural science and psychology.

For many corporations, demonstrating their sensitivity and commitment to mainstream challenges of society has been funneled through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). However, many of these CSR programs are becoming irrelevant and obsolete as corporations fail to prove the “ethical stature” that citizens demand today.  

Companies must be able to generate economic value in a way that it also produces value for society by responding to its main challenges. Unlike many of the CSR programs (which normally “run” in parallel with the commercial and production processes), this approach implies that social and human value is directly integrated into the company’s core business processes through the design and execution of their business models.

Corporations are struggling to understand how to internally streamline co-creation, as these processes require a shift in the way they think about their operations and strategy. New skillsets must be developed and a new thinking must be adopted in order to observe business development processes as a holistic construction process, and not just a silo within the company. This implies broader interactions between the company and the communities in which it operates. It also means not only concern about the needs and experiences of the people who will use their services and products, but also the needs and expectations of all those stakeholders that influence the experiences of those clients or beneficiaries, who are involved or are affected by the activities of the company (e.g. employees, vendors, distributors, social and environmental organizations, government, etc.).

We can help you identify what you need to positively transform your organization:

  • Organizational "innovation culture" assessment

  • Development of new management processes

  • Training and coaching on how and when to use Social Innovation tools:

    • Collaborative mechanisms 

    • Stakeholders management strategies

    • Organizational Impact Strategy

    • Service and program design

    • Cocreation

    • Social norms research and data collection

    • Needs assessments, observation and interviewing techniques

    • Corporate shared value investment strategies

5. Corporate Social Innovation: Services
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